If you have anything or any post you wish to post to this blog... You have two options. 

1. The first option is to give me your email and I will invite you to be one of the author of this blog. :)

2. The 2nd option is to EMAIL your post to        

Then I will help your edit and post it up. 

Thanks..Any post will be welcome.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Trip Cancelled

Due to the lack of support of our classmates ...

It is unfortunate to annouce the trip to Pulau Pangkor have to cancel ...

Final exam is just around the corner ...

Good luck everyone =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Semester Break Outing !!

my dear classmates ...

i will be organising a class outing for our class ... EN TG1 of 2009 ...

The detail of the event is as follows :

Proposed dates : 27th, 28th and 29th September 2009
Location : Pulau Pangkor
Fees : RM130 per person which includes :-
a)Accomodation at Seagull Beach Village Resort (3 to 6 sharings)
b)Food (6 meals which includes 1 BBQ seafood dinner)
c) Ferry and Taxi (2 ways)
d)Complimentary afternoon tea or coffee
e)Hall and KTV room (bring own CDs)
f)Internet and WiFi services
g)Hot water at cafeteria
h)Straw mat for beach use

This trip is certainly affordable as i have checked the other resorts available on the beach ... to those who are interested in joining in the fun ... kindly leave your name and contact number in the comment box ...

Thanks !!

live life to the max ... cheers =)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

PTPTN money is out!!

PTPTN money is out guys !

QT 1 Tutorials Answers

To my dear friends:

I have the QT 1 answers for tut 10-14. SO if u want it, can give me a call - 0164073247. Then we could arrange it :)

EgoSKy - Vincent


On the 4th to 6th of September, we are able to see the timetable for nex sem. and on the 8th to 18th of September we could make RESERVATION for our time table d.:)

IF u want more ACCURATE INFO, go HERE -> and your utar portal!:)

EgoSky - Vincent

Finals PreparationS

HOw are everyone doing nowadays?

Finals are coming up soon. Forget abouit the midterm and courseworks marks. Set a dream and move towards it.
DO u all have trouble studying mkt? I am trying out a new way to study mkt. So, if it works, i will share the method here. :)

ALL the best! Remember, laziness does not leads to success. Do it 100% and you will succeed. :)

EgoSky - Vincent